Service Public Régional de Bruxelles - Brussels International

Programming projects FEDER 2014 – 2020


The IRISPHERE programme, coordinated by, seeks to boost the development of the circular economy in the Brussels-Capital Region.

Its ambition is twofold: to guide Brussels companies to improve materials cycles and to reinforce cooperation between companies on the regional level. The IRISPHERE team will assist free of charge in setting up materials and services synergies.

Applying a tried and tested methodology, the IRISPHERE team provide individual or collective guidance in order to identify, assess, and seize economic opportunities between companies on a local scale. That way, enterprises will be developing sustainable partnerships for reusing materials or sharing facilities, resources, and services.

The IRISPHERE programme, which will run until 2021, is led by a broad consortium of Brussels actors who are circular economy pioneers. That consortium consists of, EcoRes, Lateral Thinking Factory, Greenloop, BECI, La Ferme Nos Pilifs, Bruxelles Environnement, Bruxelles-Propreté, the Port of Brussels, the Communauté Portuaire Bruxelloise,, and by


Address: Rue Gabrielle Petit 6 Bruxelles 1080 Belgique

Projects category: Axe 3

Programme: 2014 – 2020

Total budget: 1.46 Mio €

EU + BCR Budget: 1.46 Mio €


Rue Gabrielle Petit 6 Bruxelles 1080 Belgique