Programming projects FEDER 2007 – 2013
EMOVO : Multidisciplinary research and training centre for energy and environmental technologies
The EMOVO project (Energy and Environment Research and Training Center) includes the creation of a multi-disciplinary research and training centre on energy and environmental technologies at the site Nijverheidskaai 170, Anderlecht, contributing to a sustainable urban development, with emphasis on sustainable energy and environmentally friendly transport, coordinated by the research groups of the Brussels University Association (EhB and VUB).
The project will lead to the consolidation of the research on the (urban) environment at a specific site, which will allow to optimize the use of existing infrastructure and stimulate the necessary synergies between research groups within the association in order to promote a multidisciplinary approach of these complex issues.
Addresse : Quai de l’Industrie 170 Bruxelles 1070 Belgique
Catégorie de projets : Axe 1
Website : Web site EMOVO
Liens utiles : WEB SITE VUB / WEB SITE Erasmushogeschool
Programme : 2007 – 2013
Budget total : 0.95 Mio €
Budget EU + RBC : 0.45 Mio €
EMOVO : Centre multidisciplinaire de recherche et de formation pour les technologies de l'énergie et de l'environnement
Quai de l’Industrie 170 Bruxelles 1070 Belgique